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Basque Culinary Center, it also trains gastronomy enthusiasts

29 August 2024

Basque Culinary Center, through its space for gastronomy enthusiasts, BCC Culinary Club, offers an extensive program of activities for autumn young people and adults to learn about gastronomy through experiences recreational training. Courses and workshops that people of all ages can enjoy in the same facilities and professional classrooms of the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences of Donostia San Sebastián, from September to December 2024. This is more than 70 experiences such as tastings, short workshops, intensive courses, or showcookings taught by professionals from the center, the vast majority of which will be developed Thursday and Friday afternoons and weekend mornings. Intensive introductory courses on seasonal products such as hunting or bonito, about rice and paellas, or around international cuisine are aimed at people who want to have a first contact with cooking or consolidate techniques basic. On the other hand, there are also cycles and training focused on “the effect wow”, in “the origin” of traditional Basque cuisine or in how to bring the “garden to the table”, among many others. Additionally, once again, BCC Culinary Club provides the opportunity to learn in family with specific courses created for the whole family, and to delve into the world of tasting, with tasting sessions on international wines or local beers world. Among the featured formations, there are classics and novelties that seek to offer options for all audiences and tastes, and at the same time, transmit a vision that goes more beyond the kitchen, integrating fundamental aspects of gastronomic culture.


Hunting has been the means to feed all of humanity since we create the first tools with sticks and stones. Nowadays, it is not essential for live, but this medium has evolved into a culinary tradition with specific foods and specific recipes that give it a gastronomic sense only. In this course you will learn how to clean the product, and work on it to make different recipes. 

Immersing yourself in the world of bonito is possible with this special product course from season, and learn to prepare different preparations, from the recipes traditional dishes that highlight their natural flavor to the latest culinary trends, even discover the techniques and tricks to get the most out of this product.

THE WORLD OF RICE COOKING COURSE: Rice is one of the most versatile that exist in the world and you can make endless recipes with it. Here the main characteristics of rice will be revealed in a practical way, analyzing the main varieties and learning the best use for each of them they. All this while creating fun and curious recipes. 

RICE COURSE: SPECIAL SOFTY: Soupy rice has a texture light and fluid, while the honeyed one is more creamy and unctuous. In this course of kitchen it will be possible to learn to master the technique to make soupy rice, and to play with the proportion of water and cooking to achieve the ideal consistency in each dish.  

INTENSIVE INTERNATIONAL COOKING COURSES, such as Street food Vietnam, Discover curry, Discover India, Sushi, International wines, Discover Peru, Japan Milenario, Argentine grill, exquisite Lebanon, Quiches, Tacos, Texmex, 4 sauces Italian.

COOKING COURSE EVERYDAY DISHES WITH WOW EFFECT: How difficult it is to think and be creative in everyday food. Therefore, this course has been designed especially designed for people with little time and a great desire to eat delicious, healthy and different every day. 
VEGETABLE COURSE WITH WOW EFFECT: Vegetables do not have to be boring, and in this training recipes with vegetables, types of cooking, cuts, flavors, plating and much more! Ideal for enthusiasts who want to eat healthy without giving up flavor and good presentation.

APPETIZER COURSE WITH WOW EFFECT To be a good host and surprise with homemade appetizers with a WOW effect, and simple and delicious at the same time time this course is ideal.
ORIGIN CYCLE: A cycle of workshops that highlights Basque gastronomy, its origin, its product, its essence. 
ORIGIN CYCLE: FROM TRADITION TO THE AVANT-GARDE: In this specific workshop, those dishes that have been evolved at the same time as our view of gastronomy. 
ORIGIN CYCLE: AMMONA RECIPES:  This training will focus on more traditional dishes of Basque gastronomy.
FROM THE GARDEN TO YOUR TABLE COURSE: A two-day course, where you will visit the Basque Culinary Center garden, and you can prepare delicious dishes with the ingredients obtained therein.
COOKING COURSE FOR CHILDREN: FILM DISHES (8-12 YEARS OLD): Among the courses aimed at the little ones, this will offer a gastronomic tour where they are brought to reality, by their own hand, the most popular and appetizing dishes from legendary children's movies. 
NEWS: COOKING COURSE: GASTRONOMIC TRENDS: A program to stay up to date day of the latest gastronomic trends and discover the ingredients and techniques most innovative to prepare dishes that are setting trends.
LOTURAK: FUSION COOKING COURSE BETWEEN BASQUE COUNTRY AND LATIN AMERICA: Where Basque gastronomy meets Latin American gastronomy. In this workshop, will explore recipes that combine the best of these cultures, creating dishes full of flavor and tradition. Ideal for those who seek to investigate our culture and hope
find culinary cultural wealth. Furthermore, it should be noted that in order to promote the love of gastronomy at the level global, facing 2025 BCC Culinary Club, has launched an innovative Course of Advanced Cooking aimed at passionate men and women that offers training the most complete to acquire advanced culinary skills and techniques of the hand of an expert team, through in-person and online classes that are will extend for 3 months.


BCC Culinary Club
Basque Culinary Center forms a unique ecosystem where training, innovation, research and entrepreneurship coexist with the objective of developing and promoting gastronomy, assumed to be the reasoned knowledge about what we eat and how we do it. Through the BCC Culinary Club (, Baque Culinary Center has conceived a space for cooking enthusiasts, which adds conferences, courses, cooking classes and recipes. BCC Culinary Club has an offer of more than 160 training experiences recreational activities per year for all tastes and audiences; tailor-made workshops for companies and tourist groups; camps for boys and girls and adolescents; projects of promotion of gastronomy in society, among which workshops and competitions with schools.

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